Friday, December 24, 2010

Eggnog "Latte" and Coco Wheats

In light of the Christmas spirit, I'm posting a couple "recipes" that include eggnog. Not everyone likes this creamy holiday drink, but I love it!

One of my favorite things to do around the holidays is to put eggnog in my cup of coffee as a creamer substitute. I usually add a teaspoon of sugar to it also because I find it not sweet enough for my liking with just the eggnog alone.

Coco Wheats are from back east, so not everyone will recognize them. Every year, my Grandmother from Ohio sends me boxes of them for Christmas because we cant get any in California (that I know of).  It's similar consistency to cream of wheat, but with a chocolatey flavor. Today I followed the recipe, but used half milk, half eggnog! :)



Sorry there's no recipe, but I thought I would post this as inspiration for using eggnog in more of your holiday cooking! Merry Christmas Eve!

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