Sunday, June 6, 2010

Deviled Eggs

So this is my first post to this blog. I'm hoping that I can keep it up because I really do believe it is a good idea.  My goal is to be able to document and share the food I make with everyone.  It's not only so I have a record of yummy dishes, but so that friends, family, and anyone else who takes a look can see what I'm cooking!  In two days, I'll be 21! So I also plan on posting a wine section to my blog where I can document the different wines I drink with my own personal critiques! Hope everyone enjoys!

My first recipe is a quite simple, yet delicious little appetizer...deviled eggs!

Here are the ingredients:
6 hard boiled eggs (about 10 minutes boiled)
3-4 Tbsp light mayo
1/2 tsp yellow mustard
dash of turmeric
dash of dill
dash of salt
dash of paprika (for garnish)

First start out by slicing each hard boiled egg in half with a sharp knife. Carefully remove the yolks from each half and set aside in a bowl.

Arrange the egg white halves on a plate separately.

Next, add all the rest of the ingredients to the egg yolks. The dashes of spices can be altered to taste, but here's about how much I added:

Mash the yolks with a fork and stir in all the spices and mayo until you get a creamy consistency. You can add more mayo if your filling seems too dry.

You can either scoop the filling into the egg whites, or use the piping method like I did: Spoon the filling into a Ziploc sandwich bag and cut a hole in the bottom!

When you have finished filling each egg, sprinkle a bit of paprika on the top for a nice garnished look. Voila!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jessica, it's the Hapless Capitalist speaking. I dig your blog!

    Ok, and here's the part where I plug my blog:


