Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Teriyaki Macaroni Salad

Ok, now I can't take credit for this recipe because my old housemate showed me how to make it, but it is delicious and my boyfriend can't get enough of it :)

Ingredients (approximate):
1/2 lb of Macaroni (about half of a box)
1/4 cup Mayo
1/4 cup Crushed pineapple
3-4 Tbsp Teriyaki sauce

Cook the macaroni based on the box instructions, drain with a strainer, and run cold water over it to cool it down a bit.  In a bowl, add remaining ingredients with the Teriyaki sauce being the last, as you can add more or less depending on the taste. I usually use the Soyaki brand of Teriyaki sauce, but I think any brand would do well in the salad. Chill overnight or for at least 4-5 hours so that the salad can stiffen. (it will look melted together at first)

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