Monday, September 13, 2010

Filet Mignon and Steamed Artichoke

Ok, don't freak out quite yet. This is probably my favorite dinner to make, not only because it is delicious... but because it's cheap!! Yes, I said! The trick is to find the good deals. I shop at Albertsons, and when the Filet Mignon is on sale, you can find two good sized steaks for around $6.00. Now, artichokes are generally expensive, but knowing when and where to buy them is the key. Normally, they range from $3-5; however, I get them from Trader Joe's for $2, which is the price they are when they're on sale somewhere else. SO... total, the meal is $8.00, for two people. You can't beat that at any restaurant!

For the artichoke: rinse with water, cut off the stalk, close to the leaves.  Steam it for 30-45 minutes, or until the leave easily pull away with tongs. Pair with some mayo or melted butter! :)

And for the steaks: season both sides with any steak seasoning or seasoning salt. I use an indoor electric grill, but of course, you could always use a regular grill.

Grill on med-hi heat for about 5 minutes on each side, depending on how cooked you want them. Don't move them around too much, because you want to seal in the juices! mmmmm :)

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